17 Agustus 2008

Bannershop GIF Animator 5.11

Create, edit, and optimize animated GIFs images for the Web. Animate images, shapes, and texts, using predefined animation effects such as Fade, Zoom, and Blur, or build animations from existing images. Bannershop GIF Animator uses a powerful optimization engine that can significantly reduce GIF file size.

The Optimization Wizard leads the user through the process, providing instant preview of optimized animation, so users can balance between image quality and the file size.

The application can create single or multi-frame animations. Master frame can be used as a background for entire animations, so repetitive graphics can be easily reproduced and managed. Extendable architecture allows adding new animation extensions.

Monggo kulo aturi nyedut dateng mriki....( suwun nggeh...)

5 komentar:

  1. yuu huu...ini yang udah lama gw cari..langsung ke TKP..yii haaa

  2. Anonim10:20

    maturrr suwun mas... opo cak wae yo..

  3. Anonim16:09

    makasih mas.. saya bungkus dulu info na..entar sy lacak ke tkp.. :D

  4. mending dikasi terjemahannya pake basa kromo om biar caca tau...
    terjemahannya tak tunggu di http://gematki.blogspot.com/2008/08/jumpa-pers-berang-investigasi.html


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