01 Agustus 2008

Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!

Blogsvertise! It's simple. Earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!

Our Advertisers want YOU to mention and talk about their websites products and services in your blogs and journals. They want the publicity, the exposure, the Buzz! that online bloggers and internet journals can generate for their web site products and services. In exchange blogsvertise pays YOU in paypal per task/blog entry, for writing / talking about / mentioning their website in your blog!

How Blogsvertise Works:

1. Blogsvertise assign tasks to registered members with the internet website address and what to talk about on their blog. The topics/tasks will be simply emailed to you once your account registration is approved. Click Here to Register for Free

2. You write up an entry in your blog about the internet advertiser however you want! You can review the site, compliment it, relate to it somehow in your daily life, or even complain about it, and link to the website at least 3 times in your blog/journal entry. Click Here to Login & Check Tasks

3. In exchange blogsvertise Pays YOU in paypal per blog entry, for writing about the advertisers web site. Payouts are automatically sent to you after your entry is approved and the payout period has passed.

Don't have a blog, but want to join blogsvertise? First setup your own blog, by using one of these free blog resources.

Here are a few resources where you can setup your blog if you dont have one already. We also recommend you check google search for blog hosting services.

Free Blog Software

* WordPress PHP Host
* BBlog PHP Host
* B2Evolution PHP Host
* SimpleBlog Windows/ASP Host

Free Blog Websites

* Free Blog Resources
* Blogger
* Typepad
* MySpace
* LiveJournal

Once you have setup your blog, you need to compose some entries in your online journal. Once you've setup your blog/journal you can then register for an account to begin earning blog revenue with blogsvertise.

Blogvertise also found it easy to be asked by the coordination, for example if you asked for the task that it was considered expired and you could do came back, then you will be given by the opportunity to do the task.

Please was tried, make use of your blog to earn cash and generate extra income from your blog!

4 komentar:

  1. Anonim10:29

    ini reviewan berapa dollar mas..?

  2. Hai Din, kenapa ya buka blog ini sekarang lama bgt? apa kompiku yg lagi lelet neh?

  3. Anonim01:15

    sukses ya bro dengan blogvertise nya..lumayan rata-rata $9-10


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