21 Agustus 2008

CCleaner 2.10.618

CCleaner 2.10.618
2.79MB (Freeware)

CCleaner (formerly Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused and temporary files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. The best part is that it's fast! (normally taking less than a second to run) and Free.

Cleans the following:

* Internet Explorer Cache, History, Cookies, Index.dat.

* Recycle Bin, Temporary files and Log files.

* Recently opened URLs and files.

* Third-party application temp files and recent file lists (MRUs). Including: Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and more...

* Advanced Registry scanner and cleaner to remove unused and old entries. Including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... Backup for registry clean.

* Windows Startup tool.

Monggo kulo aturi nyedut dateng mriki, gratis ndak bayar...ndak pakai ziddu..he..he..he

20 Agustus 2008

Dollar meneh....????

Berita gembira untuk hari ini dari Blogsvertise buat bC adalah :

1. Tanpa harus melekkan untuk ngintip GBT, pagi ini dia nongol dengan beberapa tawaran yang cukup lumayan buat latihan ngerpek, nyontek, ngedit, buka kamus dan pada akhirnya klik "Accept" untuk buat laporan kalau kerjaan udah siap dikoreksi, dibatalkan atau .... dollar masuk Paypal.

2. Nampaknya blog Blogsvertise mulai meringankan CARAKA -nya dalam mereview tugas yang diberikan, hal ini dapat kita lihat pada Advertiser Notes: yang mencantumkan Anchor text & URLnya sekaligus, sehingga pikiran kita fokus pada tugas yang diberikan, tanpa harus meraba-raba dimana link harus dipasang.

3. Email masuk mengabarkan kepada bC, bahwa $10 sudah "nylempit" di dompet Paypal yang sampai dengan saat ini status accountku masih dibawa "Casper".

Nampaknya GBT akan diberikan apabila kita sudah ngeposting sebanyak 3 postingan dari posting tugas yang diberikan. Ya..itu sih berdasarkan pantauan bC, atau barangkali menurut anda gimana ?

Sharing cari dollar....yuk!

About Camelback Displays

Yesterday afternoon, Haris asked about the requirement in order to prepare the trade exhibition that will be held next week by the company where he worked

Haris was the new worker in the company, and he like that was not yet experienced in the matter of the exhibition decoration of the trade. At this time he was given by responsibility of being in charge of the problem of this exhibition.

"Haris, why asked about that was I did not understand about this exhibition? Okay, I will help you to search in the internet about this requirement " answer me. I remembered with Herman that was experienced about exhibition details, immediately I contacted him.

Herman explained " If you are looking for trade show displays, trade show exhibits and trade show booths, camelbackdisplay.com is right place for you. You can find anything to support your event, the completed store who offer anything. Camelbackdisplays.com is the online store for all these products which are used in the trade show displays. This Website provides you a variety of trade show displays along with a high quality service to the customers for trade show exhibits, table covers for your promotional stalls, table top display. and more. You can order online, or by phone with their toll free phone number which makes getting your displays quick and without being difficult tired."

From Herman's information, I immediately contacted Haris to see this site in the internet.

19 Agustus 2008

Rapidshare Direct Download 3.2

Now you can download from rapidshare with this program FOR NO LIMIT.

This program give you capacity to download Multiple files at once without having Premium account.

Monggo kulo aturi nyedut dateng mriki

17 Agustus 2008

Bannershop GIF Animator 5.11

Create, edit, and optimize animated GIFs images for the Web. Animate images, shapes, and texts, using predefined animation effects such as Fade, Zoom, and Blur, or build animations from existing images. Bannershop GIF Animator uses a powerful optimization engine that can significantly reduce GIF file size.

The Optimization Wizard leads the user through the process, providing instant preview of optimized animation, so users can balance between image quality and the file size.

The application can create single or multi-frame animations. Master frame can be used as a background for entire animations, so repetitive graphics can be easily reproduced and managed. Extendable architecture allows adding new animation extensions.

Monggo kulo aturi nyedut dateng mriki....( suwun nggeh...)


Dirgahayu BANGSAKU.....
Dirgahayu NEGERIKU......

Mari kita bangkit dari mimpi.....
Banyak tetesan darah mengalir dalam membangun negeri ini
Bangkit....bangkit bangsaku
Bangkit....bangkit generasi bangsaku
Jangan sia-siakan pengorbanan pendahulumu.....

Mari kita isi kemerdekaan ini...
Tingkatkan kepedulianmu untuk membangun negeri ini

15 Agustus 2008

Portable Adobe Fireworks CS3

Accelerate web design and development with Adobe Fireworks CS3 software, the ideal tool for creating and optimizing images for the web and rapidly prototyping websites and web applications. Fireworks CS3 offers the flexibility to edit both vector and bitmap images, a common library of prebuilt assets, and time saving integration with Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Illustrator CS3, Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, and Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software.
Top features:

Vector and bitmap editing

Create and edit vector and bitmap images, and import and edit native Adobe® Photoshop® and Adobe Illustrator® files.
Image optimization

Optimize graphics for virtually any delivery scenario with preview, cross-platform gamma preview, selective JPEG compression, and a wide range of export controls.

Efficient Photoshop and Illustrator integration

Import Photoshop (PSD) files while retaining hierarchical layers, layer effects, and blend modes. Save Adobe Fireworks® (PNG) files back into Photoshop (PSD) format. Import Illustrator (AI) files while retaining graphic integrity, including layer, group, and color information.
Rapid prototyping

Prototype interactive layouts for websites and rich Internet applications. Export website prototypes to Adobe Dreamweaver® and RIA prototypes to Adobe Flex™.

Multipage support

Use the new Pages panel to create multiple pages in a single document (PNG file), and share layers across multiple pages. Each page can contain its own slices, layers, frames, animations, and canvas settings, making it easy to simulate website flow in a prototype.
Hierarchical layer organization

Organize and manage your prototypes with a new hierarchical layer structure — similar to the one in Adobe Photoshop — that enables you to easily organize web layers and pages.

Filter effects

Apply lighting effects, shadow effects, styles, and blend modes, including seven new blend modes from Photoshop, to add depth and character to text and symbols.

Jump-start your prototyping with a common library of graphic symbols, text symbols, and animations frequently used in web applications, forms, interfaces, and websites.

Intelligently scale buttons and graphic symbols (in vector or bitmap) with 9-slice scaling. Combine 9-slice scaling with the new Auto Shape library to accelerate website and application prototyping.

Streamlined Dreamweaver and Flash integration

Copy any object in Fireworks CS3 and paste it directly into Dreamweaver CS3. Create pop-up menus that can be saved as CSS and HTML. Export Fireworks (PNG) files directly to Flash CS3 Professional while maintaining vectors, bitmaps, animations, and multistates, and then edit in Flash CS3.

Download : Wonten mriki poro dulur...

Mockup Hijab Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - FREE FILE PSD

  Mockup Hijab Adobe Photoshop adalah tutorial tentang bagaimana cara merubah warna hijab maupun coraknya. Jika anda ingin mendownload file ...