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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Sekilas Info. Tampilkan semua postingan

24 Oktober 2008


Ini adalah pengalaman saya tentang mengkonsumsi Tanaman Efitit yang umbinya dihuni oleh Semut. Seminggu yang lalu, saya merasakan jari tangan dan kaki terasa kaku. Rasa sesakpun terkadang hinggap di aliran napasku.

Kecapekan kali.... Pikirku. Namun rasa itu terasa lebih parah setelah hari ketiga berikutnya.
Semula aku tidak pedulikan, bahkan aku paksakan untuk mengikuti kegiatan penjemputan Satgas Sorong di Dermaga Ujung
Saat itu saya bertemu dengan Budi yang menawarkan SARANG SEMUT kepadaku. Menurutnya tanaman yang semula saya anggap serpihan atau potongan kayu ini ternyata mempunyai khasiat yang sangat banyak.

Sesampai di rumah, karena ragu atas khasiat dari tanaman yang menurutku aneh itu aku hanya merebus satu potong dalam "kuali" yang berisi 3 gelas air hingga mendidih. Setelah dingin, air berwarna coklat mirip teh itu aku saring dan aku minum 3X sehari. Ternyata pada hari ketiga rasa yang aku keluhkan tidak terasa lagi.

Karena penasaran akan khasiat dari pada SARANG SEMUT, akhirnya aku "googling" dan aku dapatkan beberapa informasi..

Tumbuhan ini nama latinnya adalah Myrmecodia sp, karena lidah orang Indonesia asal ceplos aja maka begitu melihat tanaman berongga yang dibentuk oleh puluhan bahkan mungkin ratusan semut di dalamnya, maka lahirlah si "Sarang Semut".

Sarang Semut telah dipakai oleh masyarakat asli Wamena untuk mengobati keluhan rematik dan asam urat. Sedangkan menurut penelitian para ahli Bioteknologi LIPI, zat utama yang dimiliki Sarang Semut adalah flavonoid, tannin dan polifenol. Zat-zat ini adalah antioksidan kuat beberapa kali lebih kuat dari vitamin C dan E sehingga memberikan efek menurunkan risiko beberapa jenis kanker dan penyakit kardiovaskuler. Bahkan tanaman ini terbukti juga mengobati diare dan menghentikan pendarahan.

Selain itu Sarang Semut bisa menghambat enzim xanthine oxidase yang berkhasiat menurunkan asam urat dan memperbaiki fungsi ginjal. Masih ada zat aktif lain yang belum terungkap.

Berikut adalah keterangan singkat beberapa zat aktif bermanfaat yang terkandung dalam Sarang Semut:

Flavonoid dalam tubuh manusia berfungsi sebagai antioksidan sehingga sangat baik untuk pencegahan kanker. Manfaat flavonoid antara lain adalah untuk melindungi struktur sel, meningkatkan efektivitas vitamin C, antinflamasi, mencegah keropos tulang, dan sebagai antibiotik.

Dalam banyak kasus, flavonoid dapat berperan secara langsung sebagai antibiotik dengan menggangu fungsi dari mikroorganisme seperti bakteri atau virus. Fungsi flavonoid sebagai anti virus telah banyak dipublikasikan, termasuk untuk virus HIV /AIDS dan virus herpes.

Selain itu, flavonoid juga dilaporkan berperan dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan beberapa penyakit lain seperi asma, katarak, diabetes, encok/rematik, migren, wasir, dan perionditis (radang, jaringan ikat penyangga akar gigi).

Penelitian-penelitian mutakhir telah mengungkap fungsi-fungsi lain dari flavonoid, tidak saja untuk pencegahan, tetapi juga untuk pengobatan kanker. Banyak mekanisme kerja dari flavonoid yang sudah terungkap, misalnya inaktivasi karsinogen, antiprofilisasi, penghambatan siklus sel, induksi apaoptosis, diferensiasi, inhibisi angiogenesis, serta pembalikan resistensi multi-obat atau kombinasi dari mekanisme-mekanisme tersebut.

Kemampuan Sarang Semut secara empiris untuk pengobtan berbagai jenis kanker atau tumor, TBC, dan encok/rematik diduga kuat berkaitan dengan kandungan flavonoid Sarang Semut .

Tanin merupakan astrigen yang mengikat dan mengendapkan protein berlebih dalam tubuh. Dalam bidang pengobatan Tanin digunakan untuk mengobati diare, hemostatik (menghentikan pendarahan), dan wasir. Karena itu kemampuan Sarang Semut secara empiris untuk pengobatan, misalnya untuk pengobatan ambeien (wasir) dan mimisan diduga kuat berkaitan dengan kandungan zat ini.

Polifenol adalah asam fenolik dan flavonoid. Polifenol banyak ditemukan dalam buah-buahan, sayuran serta biji-bijian. Rata-rata manusia bisa mengonsumsi polifenol dalam seharinya sampai 23 mg. Khasiat dari polifenol adalah anti mikroba dan menurunkan kadar gula darah. Asam fenolik merupakan kelas dari antioksidan atau senyawa yang menghilangkan radikal bebas. Molekul yang tidak stabil ini adalah produksi dari metabolisme normal yang menyumbat pembuluh darah dan mengakibatkan perubahan pada DNA yang dapat menimbulkan kanker dan penyakit lain.

Tokoferol (vitamin E) sekitar 313 ppm. Ananlisis antioksidan dari estrak kasar tumbuhan Sarang Semut menunjukkan bahwa estrak tersebut memiliki aktivitas antioksidan sedang, yaitu diperoleh nilai IC 50 sebesar 48,6 ppm. Sementara alfa-tokoferol yang merupakan antioksidan kuat dengan nilai IC 50 diperoleh angka sebesar 5,1 ppm. IC50 merupakan konsentrasi dari antioksidan yang dapat meredam atau menghambat 50% radikal bebas. Semakin kecil nilai IC50 dari suatu antioksidan maka semakin kuat antioksidan tersebut.

Alfa-tokoferol pada konsentrasi 12 ppm telah mampu meredam radikal bebas sebanyak 96% dan persentase inhibisi ini tetap konstan untuk konsentrasi-konsentrasi yang lebih tinggi dari 12 ppm. Hasil penelitian ini mempunyai makna bahwa alfa-tokoferol pada konsentrasi rendah pun telah memiliki aktivitas peredam radikal bebas hingga mendekati 100%.

Magnesium memiliki peranan dalam fungsi tulang, hati, otot, transfer air intraseluler, keseimbangan basa, dan aktivitas neuromuseluler. Fungsi-fungsi mineral tersebut dapat menjelaskan beberapa khasiat lain dari Sarang Semut , misalnya, khasiat dalam membantu mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit/gangguan jantung, melancarkan peredaran darah, mengobati migren, gangguan fungsi ginjal dan prostat, memulihkan kesegaran dan stamina tubuh, serta memulihkan gairah seksual.

Kalsium berfungsi dalam kerja jantung, implus saraf, dan pembekuan darah.

Besi berfungsi dalam pembentukan hemoglobin, transporoksigen, aktivor enzim.

Fosfor berfungsi dalam penyerapan kalsium dan produksi energi.

Natrium memilki peranan dalam keseimbangan elektrolit, volume cairan tubuh, dan implus saraf, dan kesimbangan asam-basa.

Seng memiliki fungsi dalam sintesis protein fungsi seksual, penyimpanan insulin, metabolisme karbohidrat, dan penyembuhan luka.

Fungsi-fungsi mineral tersebut dapat menjelaskan beberapa khasiat lain dari Sarang Semut, misalnya khasiatnya dalam membantu mengatasi berbagai macam penyakit/gangguan jantung, melancarkan haid dan mengobati keputihan, melancarkan peredaran darah, mengobati migren (sakit kepala sebelah), gangguan fungsi ginjal dan prostat, memulihkan kesegaran dan stamina tubuh, serta memulihkan gairah seksual.

Hasil analisis penghambatan aktivitas enzim xanthine oxidase oleh ekstrak tumbuhan Sarang Semut menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak tumbuhan ini dapat menghambat aktivitas enzim xanthine oxidase dengan aktivitas yang setara dengan allopurinol, obat komersial yang digunakan untuk pengobatan asam urat. Diduga senyawa inhibitor xanthine oxidase yang bertanggung jawab dalam mekanisme ini adalah senyawa dari golongan flavonoid. Fenomena ini yang kemungkinan dapat memperkuat khasiat tumbuhan Sarang Semut untuk pengobatan rematik yang telah terbukti secara empiris.

- Buku "Gempur Penyakit dengan Sarang Semut" Penulis Dr. Ir. Ahkam Subroto, Hendro Saputro
- www.deherba.com
- Sumber Foto : www.plantamor.com, modifikasi gambar oleh bidikCOM

17 September 2008



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16 September 2008

19 steps to help you how to start with Email Marketing

26snml If you were having the marketing company of the internet was significantly very important that you had the Email Marketing Software well. This was very useful because to load your company, whichever you must send the email to the prospective customer. That was one of the methods of holding the promotion. In any case if you must send the email to your customer, definitely had the customer's different groups and they must be sent several emails in accordance with their requirement. Therefore you must carry out this email you actually needed the Email Marketing Software

There were many companies in the internet that will provide you this service and I could recommend you one company that was named Vipermailer.com available since 1995. ViperMailer.com is an Email Marketing Service which can execute all of these steps for you using their proprietary software suite. When you log in to the Account Overview Control Panel, you can manage the entire campaign from start to finish.

Getting Started Topics how him to begin with the Marketing of the Email? In this site offered 19 steps to help you fully in order to understand and guide you in the true route.

1. Email Marketing Defined
2. Email Marketing Adds Value to your Current Marketing Plan
3. Marketing Basics (Branding) to your Overall Business
4. Email Marketing Services (ESP) Email Service Providers
5. Profiting from Email Campaigns through Repeat and Referred Business
6. Email Marketing Building Trust with Recipients
7. Collecting Email Addresses Honestly and Legally
8. Building a Valuable Email Contact List
9. How often to Send and When to Send Email Messages to your List
10. Keeping your Message Short and Easy
11. Building a Winning Email Template and Message
12. Creating a Call to Action with Promotions, Coupons, and Loyalty Plans
13. Developing a Subject Line that gets your Message Through
14. Creating the “From” Address that your Recipient will Recognize
15. Adding Images and their Strengths and Weaknesses
16. Learning Headlines, Fonts, and Internal Template Navigation
17. Building Informative, Educational, User Tips and Advice Campaigns
18. Email Marketing Result Tracking
19. In Closing

You can try to use email marketing software. If you are not sure how to do it, you can always visit Vipermailer.com

10 September 2008

About Ensim.COM

Several matters that must in pay attention to before you determined the company web hosting that was exact to undertake the site your web : apart from the location of the data center, the Reputation & the company's reference web hosting, the application support server, was available facilities back up, was available the support 24 hours (both took the form of the support through the email and the telephone) from the company web hosting. How the company web hosting provided the technician's support on the holiday day (on Saturday and on Sunday), or the other national holiday day. That did not lose the importance of being the existence of  facilities of the Control Panel. Today was known known several commercial control panel kinds that was used by the Web Hosting company, like the Ensim (www.ensim.com)

Ensim develops Hosting Automation products that simplify the deployment and management of hosted services for ISP's, hosting providers, and Internet Data Center operators. These products enable service providers to increase revenues with new offerings and to reduce operational and support costs.
There are many products given by this firm for improving and maintaining Active Directory Management.

Here are some of the products provided by this company. They are unify enterprise, unify shared, unify managed and unify SaaS. They also provide Active Directory Tools for various purpose of maintaining the management. So you take our time to see this website and gain more knowledge about Exchange Management and other Exchange Tools

For more information about Ensim, please visit: www.ensim.com.

08 September 2008

Ziidu.Com sebagai situs penyerang ???


Setelah tarawih rencananya mau mengupload MP3 di ziddu, eh ternyata  tempat upload tanpa batas sekaligus tempat meraup dollar meski jalannya lambat kayak "master kungfu Panda" dinyatakan sebagai situs penyerang yang dapat mencuri  informasi pribadi di komputer kita.....Wah berita ini tentunya dapat mengejutkan syaraf bagi pendulang dollar di situs ini tentunya.  Termasuk si bC juga nih.... padahal belum nyampai  $ 0,1..he..e..he...he... meski sudah total 60 klik unique yang mencoba membantu si bC cari dol-dol..he..he..

bC mencoba tahu infonya, mengapa ziddu.com dilaporkan sebagai "Ninja Comp" pada eyang google..... Wik.... baca dan terjemahkan sendiri kutipan di bawah ini :

Safe Browsing
Diagnostic page for www.ziddu.com/

What is the current listing status for www.ziddu.com/?

    Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer.

    Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1 time(s) over the past 90 days.

What happened when Google visited this site?

    Of the 216 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 54 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 09/07/2008, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 09/07/2008.

    Malicious software is hosted on 1 domain(s), including adxcnet.net.

    2 domain(s) appear to be functioning as intermediaries for distributing malware to visitors of this site, including adecn.com, adrefer.net.

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

    Over the past 90 days, www.ziddu.com/ did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?

    No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

How did this happen?

    In some cases, third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us to show the warning message.

Next steps:

    * Return to the previous page.
    * If you are the owner of this web site, you can request a review of your site using Google Webmaster Tools. More information about the review process is available in Google's Webmaster Help Center.

Advisory provided by    Google

06 September 2008

The Information about the Healthcare Solutions

medeLogo The quality could be than the hospital seen than the quality of his service towards the patient. It was increasingly high that the level of the quality from a hospital, even more people believed towards the existence of this hospital, so as they did not hesitate to entrust their health against this hospital

Therefore if you wanted to manage the hospital or to want to manage the company that is connected in a medical manner certainly you must really consider the step what was suitable to be done so that your plan goes sincerely. To help you to take the action concerning your health concern could go to the website of Mede Finance at medefinance.com. You will find the information about the healthcare solutions to help you manage your future health condition. They also supplied us with that was capable that was high heath the regulation with the service of healthcare analytics led by professional that was healthy trained

Also you will find other valuable information about healthcare. You will find various types of financial tools in MedeFinance.com and healthcare data analysis is one of the most important tools.
If you have already been the member you can log in and find many supporting features that you can get. For further questions you can contact them. The contact details are available on the website.

May this information help you

28 Agustus 2008

Winrar 4.1.65


WinRAR introduces an original compression algorithm. It allows higher compression ratios than other PC archiving tools, especially
for executable files, object libraries, large text files, etc.

* WinRAR offers an optional compression algorithm highly optimized for multimedia data.

* WinRAR supports files and archives up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 bytes in size, about 9000PB. The number of archived files is unlimited for all practical purposes.

* WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP 2.0 archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, Z, 7Z archives.

* WinRAR supports NTFS file security and data streams.

* WinRAR offers both a classic interactive Windows interface and the command line interface.

* WinRAR provides functionality for creating a 'solid' archive, which can raise the compression ratio by 10% - 50% over more common methods, particularly when packing large numbers of small files.

* WinRAR offers the ability to create and change SFX archives using default and external SFX modules.

* WinRAR offers the ability to create a multi-volume archive as SFX.

* WinRAR offers a number of service functions, such as setting a password, adding archive and file comments. Even physically damaged archives may be repaired and an archive may be locked to prevent further changes. Authenticity information may be added for additional security and WinRAR will store information on the last update and name of the archive.

26 Agustus 2008

Blowfish is the new line of shoes

At first our two months more will be pointed in the Idul Fitri Holiday, whichever we needed shoes or sandals that were good to be worn while we went on a trip outside the city or visited to the family at the native village.

Sometimes we must often arrange time to look for several qualities of shoes. Yeah, it’s not easy as it seems. Besides the design, choosing the right shoes is really important for our health in our ankles and feet. So I tried to look for information in the internet about the place that provided the collection of many relaxed shoes that were biggest, funky shoes, sandals or flat boots.

I found blowfishshoe.com. In this site I could find information that was needed by me about shoes with most pity chatted and the good pattern by planning noise in America, Europe and Australia such as David Aaron, Rocket Dog, Hippopotamus and etc.

Various styles of the feature, the form and his quality were clearly quality that was offered by Blowfish Shoes. This was the form of the shoes product and extraordinary sandals. We could also get information about the retailer from this product that close to our location. Blowfish Malibu co-operated with the famous retailer like, Victoria’s Secret, David Z, Delia’s, DSW, the Famous Footwear, JILDOR, as the Bill TonMacy’s, the Free Person, Dillard’s, the Seller of urban clothes and many more. Looked around in details there, and we will erect was contained with various Blowfish Men’s Shoes picture models and Blowfish Women’s Shoes.

Shopping now becomes more effective, because they offered the customer's opportunity to contact Blowfish Malibu through the email. Than wasted time and the power more, I thought about asking friends immediately the shoes expenses went through Blowfish malibu. Therefore I more enjoy eventually in filling up the Idul Fitri holiday with the family.

Windows Live Writer

Setelah berkunjung di blog ini dan blog ini, saya tertarik untuk mencoba posting lewat Windows Live Writer, yang menurut sumbernya sangat menjanjikan kemudahan dan dapat menghemat biaya anggaran PLN & Speedy ( Mungkin XXX )

Sebelum anda menjalankan program ini, tentunya anda terlebih dahulu harus menginstall Windows Update Agent  dan WLW itu sendiri.

Yang jadi pertanyaan, apakah hal ini berlaku bagi Windows yang bajakan... karena terkait dengan "Update".    Yang jelas.... tidak ada salahnya kita coba, toh dari mana kita tahu sesuatu itu akan berhasil kalau kita tidak mencobanya.

Ingat... berhasil untuk sesorang namun belum tentu berhasil untuk kita, demikian sebaliknya.

Mari kita sama-sama mencoba.... semoga sukses.

20 Agustus 2008

About Camelback Displays

Yesterday afternoon, Haris asked about the requirement in order to prepare the trade exhibition that will be held next week by the company where he worked

Haris was the new worker in the company, and he like that was not yet experienced in the matter of the exhibition decoration of the trade. At this time he was given by responsibility of being in charge of the problem of this exhibition.

"Haris, why asked about that was I did not understand about this exhibition? Okay, I will help you to search in the internet about this requirement " answer me. I remembered with Herman that was experienced about exhibition details, immediately I contacted him.

Herman explained " If you are looking for trade show displays, trade show exhibits and trade show booths, camelbackdisplay.com is right place for you. You can find anything to support your event, the completed store who offer anything. Camelbackdisplays.com is the online store for all these products which are used in the trade show displays. This Website provides you a variety of trade show displays along with a high quality service to the customers for trade show exhibits, table covers for your promotional stalls, table top display. and more. You can order online, or by phone with their toll free phone number which makes getting your displays quick and without being difficult tired."

From Herman's information, I immediately contacted Haris to see this site in the internet.

13 Agustus 2008

About Credit Cards

At this time the existence of the credit card really was needed, especially the perpetrators of the business. As being known by us that the function of the credit card a large number of very much, the business in the internet then did not escape from the function of the credit card. Especially if this business used the Paypal service, that verified his membership used the credit card also.

In this growing business world and competition you will definitely need credit card to support your business activities. Especially in this internet era, where you can buy and sell almost anything online trough internet. You will face a hard time when you want to pay the products/services you need if you don’t have credit card.

There are various types of credit cards available now however sometimes people don’t really understand the concept behind those cards type. Or maybe they are confused which credit card to choose that suit their needs and financial condition.

Comparecards.com is a website that provide a tool to compare credit cads using online comparison tools. This site help you to make the best credit card decisions based on independent reviews, guides and latest credit cards news. You can visit this site. You can choose compare by category, compare by credit quality, compare by brand and then compare by issuer. You can directly choose one best of you with this online tool.

That should make it easier for you to decide. Just check out their card recommended page. Or check out their balance transfer credit card page. Make sure to choose the one what you need. low interest credit card, business credit cards, prepaid debit cards etc.

If you want to apply for low interest credit card but don’t really understand it, you can learn more about this cards from comparecards.com. You will be able to browse the available cards from this website and then apply it online directly from comparecards.com.

10 Agustus 2008

Herbal Nutrition Products

Maintained the health was very important. Here's how you can feel better today, and stay healthy for tomorrow: The food and physical activity choices you make every day affect your health. How you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future. Make smart choices from every food group, find your balance between food and physical activity and get the most nutrition out of your calories.

You may be eating plenty of food, but not eating the right foods that give your body the nutrients you need to be healthy. You may not be getting enough physical activity to stay fit and burn those extra calories. Find all your herbal nutrition needs from Total Body Herbal Nutrition

To everybody wants to slim down, increase your energy, reduce stress and rejuvenate your skin, you need to have a Herbal Nutrition and your Herbalife Independent Distributor can create a customized program, based on the Cellular Nutrition approach, to help you look and feel your best. You know Herbalife has helped millions of people worldwide.

There are lot of natural products available for an array of requirements, be it weight reduction , skin protection, energy generation, active and effective immune system. If you search for healthy products that can help you with all your problems like decrease weight, increase energy, reduce stress, rejuvenate skin, etc. You can get Herbal Nutrition Products, you can buy it at Herbalife Distributors on herbal-nutrition.net. They provide Herbal Nutritional Products and Support from independent Herbalife Distributors

The Herbal Nutrition Network provides retail websites to Independent Herbalife Distributors . Herbalife International covered USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

Interested in trying Herbalife products? Learn More about Herbal Life please visit herbal-nutrition.net now!

09 Agustus 2008

Modern designer furniture online

Do you have Modern Furniture in your home ? Home decorating isn’t complete without placing a furniture. Choosing furniture for a room can be overwhelming because of the myriad options available these days.

The modern furniture is known for function, simplicity, originality, quality, longevity, architectural and technological elements. It’s also known for being practical and beautiful.

I want to share with you about one online store which is selling Contemporary Furniture. You can access them through their official website eroomservice.com.

You can see and manual choice the modern furniture do you like, you will see many modern furniture's with many choice for your rooms and you can found modern furniture and choice the best one with categories you need to display.

There are great furniture sets on their site, available for living room, dining room, bedroom and kids room. Many Italian furniture designs or Europe that can you find here.

Eroom Service have a great range of High quality designer furniture, and it's all designed to work together, so you can create living spaces that inspire you.

EroomService.com is a very useful website for those who are looking for Modern Furniture and love contemporary style information. So what are you waiting for, soon order now online, sign up and get the 5% savings on all modern furniture from eroomservice.

For more information you can leave your message by contacting their customer services any time.

07 Agustus 2008

Lamps at the price of cheap and economical energy

As important lamps in our life, considering at this time PLN continued to undertake his program with the blackout in a changing manner. In the PLN program about saved electricity energy, certainly we must consider electricity energy that was used by us everyday. Including the use of lamps for the illumination tonight.

Lights have played an vital role in many aspects of the human lives. Work tonight including read certainly needed lamps. Please imagined if our house tonight without light, certainly was pitch dark.

A house without lamps I think it’s like if you eat but there’s no salt taste. You can not see or view anything and it’s not funny if your house have no lamps. If you want to make your house more beautiful with some lamps, why not visit Farreys.com.

Farreys.com offers thousands of lamps including table lamps, floor lamps, task lamps, reading lamps, piano lamps and torchieres in a wide range of styles and at the lowest prices from dozens of top manufacturers. Farreys.com's lamp product search tool quickly helps find the perfect lamps for your application.

Spoil your family with the light decoration that could generate the romantic situation. Generate the studying spirit of your children with the clear and frugal illumination energy from table lamps that was obtained by you from this site. Decorate your house garden with lights decorated that was frugal energy.

Be waiting for anything else, please visited Farrey's.com, and looked for forms of lamps along with his price in accordance with your appetite.

06 Agustus 2008

Health and Beauty products

Anyone, both the man and the certain woman will always maintain their appearance to stay fresh and delicious it was considered. Maintained the health was important so that the appearance someone became first-rate. Maintained the health and beauty was certainly not free from our efforts to look for the best solution.

Besides processing the body certainly we needed the supplement or products that were connected with the health and beauty. To get the health and beauty product, certainly we at random did not buy him. No use not if this product his price was expensive but we did not know his instruction

The Shopwiki Assistant automatically fills out forms at online merchants to make for a somewhat seamless shopping experience. It also displays Shop Wiki’s top product search results below your product search results on a Google "Product Search".

You can find deals on any products you needs from Health and beauty products. There are lot of new Health and beauty products and accessories that are introduced in the market every week by different companies which involve product improvements, packaging changes, new packs, new ingredients, new improved formulations to give you better results etc.

Just search your needs on the search box, this shopping search engine will give you all products match with your needs. You can choose narrow result by price, brand, favorite stores or even colors. You can create comparison and see the best result for you.

Several shopping profits through this site among them were the existence of the escort in using each element of the Health and Beauty like cosmetics guide, skin care guide, hair care guide, men’s grooming guide, bath & body guide and fragrances guide. Through this step by step guidance you will be able to get complete knowledge on Health & Beauty which will help you to go for the right kind of products for you.

Several links that had the Web Site with information on the Health and beauty product relationship was included also to guide you in using the health product and beauty. You can see a product reviews that you can use for create decision to buy the product or not. See the lower price if you want to get the best price.

As a customer, you end up getting a wider choice, which means better value for your money.

25 Juli 2008

If you've got a business plan and are looking for potential investors, try Go BIG Network

If you’re looking to start a business, I want to show you some information about get fund, get business plans and get jobs.

The site allows you do much more than finding investing opportunities - you can find job or customers for your services, you can hire professionals for your company or you can find funding and loans for your startup.

If you’re looking to start a business, check out Go BIG Network, the world’s largest community of startup companies

Go BIG Network features 4000+ investors, over 100,000 startups, and top placement on the World’s BIGGEST Community of Startup Investors, there you can find funding for your small or big business without worry of being rejected. Go BIG allows members of the startup community to connect faster by exposing all of the demands of the startup community in one place.

The member Go BIG shared knowledge about the appearance of their respective member, with each other mutual contact between them in fact could change the requirement for example the advertisement from their product and mutual co-ordinations well and easily

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Why you hesitant, please go to go big network and start getting fund.

23 Juli 2008

Pilkada JATIM

Hari ini di wilayah Jawa Timur, pesta demokrasi digelar dalam rangka Pemilihan Gubernur (Pilgub) 2008 secara langsung. Inilah Pilgub langsung pertama di provinsi paling timur Pulau Jawa tersebut.

Nampak di beberapa tempat dibuat TPS yang bernuansa ciri khas wilayah di mana TPS tersebut berada.

Alin daripada kampanye dari masing-masing kandidat calon Gubernur sudah bersih dan rahib oleh tangan-tangan Sukses dari masing-masing partai, sedangkan sisa-sisanya disikat habis oleh Satpol PP.

Lebih dari 29 juta orang terdaftar sebagai pemilih. Mereka akan menggunakan hak pilih di 62.756 tempat pemungutan suara (TPS) dan 217 TPS khusus yang dibuka mulai pukul 07.00 hingga 13.00 WIB

Pada coblosan hari ini, warga Jatim bakal memilih satu di antara lima cagub-cawagub. Berdasarkan nomor urut, mereka adalah duet Khofifah Indar Parawansa-Mudjiono alias Kaji (diusung PPP-koalisi partai nonparlemen), Sutjipto-Ridwan Hisjam atau SR (diusung PDIP), Soenarjo-Ali Maschan Moesa atau Salam (diusung Partai Golkar), Achmady-Suhartono atau Achsan (diusung PKB), serta pasangan Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf alias Karsa (diusung koalisi PAN-PD dan didukung PKS).

Lewat perhelatan pilgub inilah, suara warga Jatim bakal menjadi salah satu penentu nasib provinsi ini lima tahun ke depan. Karena itu, satu suara menjadi begitu berarti.

Berikut janji-janji Kandidat Gubernur Jatim :

Janji Khofifah I.P. & Mudjiono dari PPP-Parpol non parlemen :

1. Pengurangan pengangguran
2. Pengentasan kemiskinan sampai 80 persen pada 2013
3. Pembangunan infrastruktur
4. Perbaikkan pelayanan publik dengan cara menyeimbangkan komposisi anggaran.

Janji Sutjipto & Ridwan Hisjam dari PDI perjuangan.

1. Peningkatan produksi padi dari 5,4 ton/ ha menjadi 12 ton/ ha
2. Pendidikan murah berkualitas
3. Kesehatan gratis dan puskesmas keliling
4. Kredit modal tanpa agunan
5. Program sejuta wirausaha

Janji Soenarjo & Ali Maschan M. dari Golkar:

1. Penyerapan 1 juta tenaga kerja
2. Pembebasan SPP dan meyiapkan anggaran pendidikan 400 M per tahun
3. Pembangunan infrastruktur dengan anggaran Rp. 350 M/ thn
4. Rp. 50 M untuk operasi pasar sembako

Janji Achmady & Suhartono dari PKB:

1. Perluas lapangan kerja
2. Perbaikan mutu pendidikan
3. Jaminan kesehatan masyarakat
4. Perbaikan kesejahteraan masyarakat
5. Memanfaatkan Hankam dan kerukunan antar umat beragama

Janji Soekarwo & Saifullah Y dari Demokrat - PAN-PKS.

1. Pembangunan berkelanjutan yang berpusat pada masyarakat
2. Pengarusutarnaan gender
3. Keberpihakan pada masyarakat miskin
4. Keseimbangan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemerataan pembangunan

Sekarang tinggal calon pemilih, apakah mereka tergiur oleh janji-janji mereka dalam menggunakan hak pilihnya. Oleh karena itu pergunakan hak pilih anda secermat mungkin, sesuai hati nurani anda tanpa ada pengaruh dan unsur paksaan dari orang lain.

Selamat mencoblos saudaraku.

22 Juli 2008

Khasiat Binahong

Saya mengenal tumbuhan ini sejak si tole besar mengalami patah tulang dan menjalani operasi bedah. Pertolongan pertama yang saya lakukan terhadap memar pada paha kiri si tole adalah dengan membubuhi daun dan batang Binahong pada memar tersebut, sehingga dapat mengurangi rasa nyeri. Kemudian saya mengambil beberapa helai daun dan akar dari binahong kemudian saya rebus dengan gula batu setelah agak hangat saya minumkan pada si Tole.

Binahong adalah tumbuhan menjalar, berumur panjang (perenial), bisa mencapai panjang ± 5 m,berbatang lunak, silindris, saling membelit, berwarna merah, bagian dalam solid, permukaan halus, kadang membentuk semacam umbi yang melekat di ketiak daun dengan bentuk tak beraturan dan bertekstur kasar.

Bentuk daripada daunnya adalah tunggal, bertangkai sangat pendek (subsessile), tersusun berseling, berwarna hijau, bentuk jantung (cordata), panjang 5 - 10 cm, lebar 3 - 7 cm, helaian daun tipis lemas, ujung runcing, pangkal berlekuk (emerginatus), tepi rata, permukaan licin, bisa dimakan.

Bentuk daripada bunga: majemuk berbentuk tandan, bertangkai panjang, muncul di ketiak daun, mahkota berwarna krem keputih-putihan berjumlah lima helai tidak berlekatan, panjang helai mahkota 0,5 - 1 cm, berbau harum .

Bentuk daripada Akar: berbentuk rimpang, berdaging lunak.

Banyak sumber mengatakan bahwa Binahong (Anredera cordifolia) berasal dari Amerika Selatan, Cina bahkan Korea. Padahal di Indonesia, tumbuhan menjalar yang dikenal dengan nama Gendola ini sudah ada. Tumbuhan ini tumbuh di dataran rendah maupun dataran tinggi. Banyak ditanam di dalam pot sebagai tanaman hias dan obat.

Perkembangbiakkan tumbuhan ini adalah Generatif (biji), namun lebih sering berkembang atau dikembangbiakan secara vegetatif melalui akar rimpangnya

Khasiat Utama

* Mempercepat pemulihan kesehatan setelah operasi, melahirkan, khitan, segala luka-luka dalam, radang usus.
* Melancarkan dan menormalkan peredaran dan tekanan darah.
* Mencegah stroke, maag, asam urat.
* Menambah dan mengembalikan vitalitas daya tahan tubuh.
* Wazir (ambeien)
* Melancarkan buang air kecil, buang air besar.
* Diabetes
* Sariawan berat.
* Pusing-pusing.
* Sakit perut dll.

Untuk pemakaian dalam, ambil rhizoma (umbi) secukupnya, dicuci bersih, kemudian direbus, setelah dingin disaring dan hasilnya diminum 2-3 kali sehari, Cara ini untuk menyembuhkan luka bekas operasi, maag, typus, disentri, kesegaran jasmani (tambah telur dan madu), mencegah stroke, asam urat dan sakit pinggang.

Namun dapat pula umbinya dikeringkan, lalu ditumbuk halus, kemudian dimasukkan dalam kapsul 0,5 mh dan diminum 3 kali sehari.

Untuk pemakaian luar, daun dan batang ditumbuk halus kemudian dioleskan pada bagian yang sakit. Bahan ini untuk menyembuhkan memar karena terpukul, kena api (panas), rheumatik, pegal linu, nyeri urat, perawatan kulit.

Umbi dicampur bahan lain dengan cara direbus bersama daun sirih, temulawak dengan perbandingan ganjil: 7, 9, 13 untuk penyembuhan pembengkakan jantung, pembengkakan lever, kencing manis, kerusakan ginjal dan radang usus besar.

Batangnya untuk mengatasi kelemahan laki-laki, yaitu dengan cara diambil getahnya dioleskan pada penis, diamkan beberapa saat kemudian lakukan sanggama dengan istri. Cara lain dicampur dengan kencur (3 gelas menjadi 1 gelas) diminum tiap malam selama satu minggu.

Hampir semua bagian tanaman binahong seperti umbi, batang dan daun dapat digunakan dalam terapi herbal.

Alhamdulillah.... setelah 4 hari menjalani perawatan, meskipun agak terpincang-pincang dan masih dibantu dengan "JAGRAK", si Tole kini udah sekolah.

10 Juli 2008

Bangun kembali dari tidur panjang.

Tadi malam saat asyik ronda di blog rekan-rekan, terutama tentang seluk beluk PR dan bisnis review. Tanpa sengaja aku teringat dengan blog aku yang udah lama aku tinggal.

Blog pertama kali dimana aku belajar membuat dengan asal-asalan tersebut akhirnya aku cari, dan ternyata terindek oleh google dengan judul " Internet dan kemauan kita ".
Dan yang membuatku kaget..........

Blog yang sudah aku anggap basi itu, ternyata dikasih embel-embel sama eyang Google PR 2, namun dikasih embel-embel ama eyang Alexa 15.069.127.... woooo panjang X??? Aku ndak nyakin apa bener blog basi ini dapat predikat PR 2, maka dengan saran dari blog mas Toni maka aku cek di http://www.digpagerank.com dan ternyata .......... emang beneran, dunk!!

Semula niat saya ingin membuat blog lagi jadi batal, dan blogku yang aku anggap "basi" aku poles templatenya dan mulai aku edit htmlnya. Dengan harapan bisa dapat dijadikan ajang adu nasib...he..he..he..

Tentunya aku sangat bersyukur sekali, sehingga ndak perlu lagi mumet bikin blog lagi.

06 Juli 2008

Dampak KingkonG

Kita ketahui bahwa pada tanggal 30 Juni dan 01 Juli 2008, Trans TV telah memutar film petualangan Kingkong. Nampaknya dampak dari petualangan seru membuat sebuah kejadian lucu di wilayah tempat kami tinggal.

Salah satu dari anak tetangga kami, terobsebsi oleh kehebatan kingkong dalam melindungan gadis dari serangan dinosaurus yang ganas.

Minggu tadi siang, seperti biasanya anak-anak di tempat kami bermain di taman yang terletak di depan bapra. Dimana di taman tersebut banyak terdapat tempat bermain dan teduh karena disekitar tempat tersebut tumbuh pohon mangga dan mahoni yang tinggi dan rindang.

Sementara ibu-ibu mereka asyik bercengkrama di dalam gedung bapra, membahas hasil rapat pengurus RT.
Mereka tidak menyadari kalau anak-anak mereka sedang asyik menirukan adegan petualangan Kingkong dengan serunya, mereka berperan sebagai tokoh-tokoh dalam film tersebut.

Tiba-tiba mereka dikejutkan dengan suara anak yang menjerit-jerit ketakutan. Seketika ibu-ibu yang berada di dalam Bapra semburat keluar, dan terkejut melihat salah satu dari anak mereka berada di atas pohon mangga, berpegangan erat sambil menjerit dan menangis keras. Bu Ijah, ibu dari anak tersebut kontan ikut-ikutan menjerit dan meminta tolong.

" Bakil ...ngapain, kamu berada disitu...!!" teriak ibu Bakil

Bakil terus menangis ketakutan, kedua tangan dan kakinya menggelayut kuat di pohon mangga tersebut.

" Turun... jatuh nanti kamu !!"
" Huu..huu.. aku takut.. ma... takut... huuu "
" Aduh... gimana nih???" Ibunya Bakil nampaknya mulai kawatir.
" Tante... Bakil tadi maunya menjadi Kingkong, aku sebagai dinosaurus.. aku kejar dia, eh.. malah dia naik ke pohon itu." terang Herman.

" Gimana.. to, kuwe iki.... lihat tuh, Bakil ndak bisa turun "

Untungnya saya lewat di tempat kejadian tersebut, dan menolong Bakil untuk turun.
Bakil langsung dipeluk ibunya dan dijewer... dibawa pulang.

Saya dan beberapa ibu-ibu yang berada di lokasi kejadian tak kuasa menahan tawa saat mendengarkan penjelasan dari anak-anak lainnya.

Untuk itulah, sebagai orang tua kita harus mendampingi anak-anak kita apabila menyaksikan acara TV, sehingga kita dapat menjelaskan makna dari tayangan tv tersebut.

Semoga cerita ini tidak terulang untuk yang kedua kalinya....

(ha..ha..ha... puas sudah ketawanya)

Mockup Hijab Adobe Photoshop Tutorial - FREE FILE PSD

  Mockup Hijab Adobe Photoshop adalah tutorial tentang bagaimana cara merubah warna hijab maupun coraknya. Jika anda ingin mendownload file ...